Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Do You Need an Electronic Survival Kit?

With the chance of severe weather in the area it is a good time to check and make sure your personal survival kit is ready to go. It is always a good idea to check your flash light, batteries and replace anything in your kit that might have expired.

In this day and age so many of us have become dependent on our electronic devises. Although it may not be for everyone, today we are asking “Do you need an electronic survival Kit? “ Many of us have all our contact information in are cell phones and using our electronic devices has become second nature. If a storm or other disaster takes away your electricity for a prolong period of time, or if you have to go to a disaster shelter will you be able to use your electronic devices?

An Electronic survival kit is not for everyone, but if you need it you will be glad you have it. What you put in your kit is up to you, but here are a few suggestions: 
   1.       A spare cord and wall plug for your cell phone. In an emergency you may not think about grabbing    what you need to charge your phone, or you may not be able to get to those items if your house is      damaged.

   2.       A USB Battery pack. If you normally go through the charge on your phone in an average day, you may find it useful to have a USB battery pack or spare phone battery. It is also a good idea to change your battery settings for minimum battery consumption to extend battery life.

   3.       110v Battery adapter (or USB car adapter). In a disaster your care can become a good sorce of power. An 110v battery adapter will allow you to plug in electrical devices. A USB car adapter will allow you to charge your phone.

   4.       Small power strip. If you end up going to a shelter, wall plugs may be in demand. Having a power strip will allow you to share power with others.

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