Monday, September 29, 2014

Report on 2014 International Disaster Response Conference

Disaster Care Ministry
Report On Standing with Mercy in
Times of Disaster
The 2014 Lutheran International Disaster Response Conference
Concordia Theological Seminary- Fort Wayne, Indiana
September 23-26 2014

The International Disaster Conference was a great opportunity for those of us in the Disaster Community to Network, Learn and Focus on God's Mercy in the midst of Disaster This years focus was “Standing on Mercy in Times of Disaster.” Throughout the conference, we gathered together to learn and discuss how to care for one another in the midst of crisis and how to live under the cross of Christ while extending the hope He offers to those in despair.

We began with an Opening Chapel Service.

Our first session was “ Relief Efforts in Lebanon.” Mr Eric Gates, regional Director, African and Middle Eastern , Lutheran Hour Ministries and Mr. Fadi Khairallah, Director of Middle Eastern Lutheran Ministry shared a case study of how LHM is reaching out to help refugies fleeing from ISIS in Iraq and Syria into Lebanon. See to see more.

Our next session, lead by Rev. William Weedon, was “Worship in Times of Tragedy.” His focus was that it is truly meet right and Salutary that we at all times (even in disaster) and in all places (even in the rubble left behind) give thanks to You, Holy Lord, Almighty Father, Everlasting God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. We looked at Isaiah 51:3, Romans 8, Habakkuk 3and Hymns 395 and 516 in LSB. We need God's Word when we are in times of crisis.

Day two kicked of with “2014 lean Earthquake and City on Fire: A Case Study” presented by Rev Cristian Rautenberg, President, Lutheran Confessional Church in Chile, and Rev. Alejandro Lopez. They shared how as they changed focus from simple social work to work with Gospel and Mercy, they experienced a “Boom” in Growth. They spoke about how from 2010 to the present they prepared for disaster in better ways, Employ a ministry of presents and working with Lutheran Hour Ministries toprovide Bible and religious materials along side the physical aid.

We Next attended a wonderful Chapel Service led by Archbishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya.
The next Session was “Theology of Suffering : Martin Luther: Preacher of the Cross” presented by Rev. John Pless. Rev Pless spoke on the “Why” question. The mercy we receive through our salvation turns our lives toward those in need of mercy. To care for them is to care for Christ.

Next Rev Ross Johnson, Director of LCMS Disaster Response spoke on “Mercy as a Witness in Our Life Together.” He shared with us many of the resources available to help use share God's mercy as we respond to disaster.

Next Rev James Cerdenola, President, Lutheran Church in the Philippiness, Rev Nicolas Ranara and Rev Xavier Palattao presented an cas study on the Philippines. They discussed how the International Lutheran Church had assisted after the sunami and how God's mercy continues to be shown to victims of the storm.

Wednesday night was the Disaster Response Conference Banquet. The Key Note Speaker was Rev. Timothy Yeadon, President, LCMS New England District. He spoke on the LCMS responses after the Sandy Hook Shootings and the Boston Marathon Bombing.

On Thursday we began the day with Rev. Matthew Harrison, President, The Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod speaking to us on “the Theology of Mercy.” "Virtually every aspect of the Faith drives us out of ourselves to our neighbor," stated Pastor Harrison as he unpacks the theology for mercy.
We then enjoyed a very uplifting Chapel service with Rev Cristian Rautenberg,, President of the Confessional Lutheran Church of Chile providing the Hominy.

Rev. Ross Johnson then made a presentation on the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and disaster Response. He spoke on the role of the church in times of disaster. How it is important for us to care for the pastor and the congregation before we reach out to the community. Rev Johnson about what LCMS is doing in times of disaster including Lutheran Emergency Response Teams.

Rev. Johnsons Presentation was followed up by a case study on Hurricane Sandy presentrd by Vicar Tom Cusanelli, Hurricane Sandy Recovery Coordinator, LCMS Atlantic District. Vicar Cusanelli spoke about the Lutheran Presents that exist in the Rockaways today as a direct result of the ongoing LCMS Mercy work after Sandy. It is nice to know that the flood buckets sent from Texas had a small part in this remarkable story.

We next listened to “Self-Care for Church Workers in a time of Crisis.” Emphasizing the challenge of training with prayer and Scripture to greet crisis in a Christian way, Rev. Dr. Rick Marrs of Concordia Seminary reminds us, "Bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to bear in disasters is part of the good works that God has prepared in advance for us to do." David, Paul, and others in Scripture addressed God in their times of darkness and trouble, and we share their same confidence in our Lord's grace, help, and faithfulness.

Rev. Dr. Carl C. Fickenscher Dean of Pastoral Education at the LCMS Fort Wayne Theoligical Seminary inspired us with his talk “Sharing the Gospel in a Time of Suffering” Some people may tell disaster victims that they somehow deserve their crisis, Fickenscher said. But we shouldn't assign guilt where God's Word doesn't, he continued. While Jesus doesn't always give us all the information, He is really there and working things to His glory and our good. During suffering, we cannot promise what God does not promise, but we can stick with His Word on the matter. His word and promise are far stronger.
On Friday Rev Rob Johnson Took the group through an Introduction to the new LERT Manual and Rev. Michael Meyer Lead a panel discussion before officially closing the conference.
In addition to all the great sesions at the conference I had plenty of time to network withother participants. I was able to talk to Becky Peterson and Rev Makelin from Pilger. They shared with me that they have just set up their temporary church and are working with an architect on disigning their new Facilities. Rev Makelin and his wife have just moved into their new home.They are hoping we might come back next spring to help rebuild the community.

I spoke with the folks envolved with the Lutheran Amateur Radio Support Network. I learned some useful information the Disaster Care Ministry may want to consider.

I network with a number of other friends in the LCMS. The Conference was a valueable experience.


David Ricks
Chairman, Disaster Care Ministry
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, LC-MS
Arlington, TX

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