On Thursday November Second we began the process of transporting
disaster buckets to St Peter's Lutheran in Brooklyn New York. We rounded
up the bibles we had. Some were being marked some were stored in another
area. We determined we were about 90 Bibles short of having one bible
for every bucket, so we went and purchased 2 more cases of bibles. We
were short quite an few mops and brooms, so we went to the two nearby
Dollar tree around and bought out there brooms and mops. We Rented a
U-Haul truck and brought it to the church and Began to load it. Our
Quilters decided they wanted to send their quilts with us. They bagged
up 100 quilts and they were loaded into the truck. We Took 356 Buckets
with a devotional inside., 362 Bibles, and 100 quilts.
Friday Morning we set out on our 1600 mile drive at 6:00 A.M. Central
time. We drove through North East Texas Arkansas and Tennessee, before
stopping at 11:20 Eastern Time. We got up Saturday Morning at and were
on the road again by 6:15, and Drove to as far as Bethlehem, PA before
hitting our first problem. We exited the highway to get gas only to find
a very long gas line. We decided to drive a little farther of the
highway to see if we could find a shorter line. The road curved around
and went back to Allentown were we found a shorter line. We got in line,
and thirty minutes later were back on the road. We found a Wendy's,
grabbed a quick lunch (It was already 3:00) and got back on the road an
hour and a half and 8 miles back from were we exited.We cruised in to
Brooklyn with the only other problem being New York Knicks Basketball
traffic. We were met by Jose Pineda and a group of eager youth who
helped us unload. We unloaded the truck, then I lead the group in a
short devotion and prayer, then we returned the truck to U_hauls after
hours drop off and walked back to the St Peter's,stopping to pick up
what I was told is the best pizza in Brooklyn.
We slept at the church. We were fed Bagels, hot tea and coffee before
being taken to the airport. Our flight was delayed, but we arrived at
Charlotte, NC just in time to board the flight to Dallas. We were in the
airport less than 10 minutes. We arrived in Dallas and had our luggage
by 5:00.
We enjoyed talking with the youth at St Peter's about their experiences
with the storm and about Brooklyn in general. They helped us take are
personnel belongings inside. When I pulled my cowboy boots out of the
truck one of the boys exclaimed," hey, this guy really is from
Texas!"Many of them had to hold the boots, some had never seen cowboy
boots up close before.
Loading the Truck |
Driving to Brooklyn |
Unloading at St Peter's Lutheran |
The Unloading Crew |
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